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Elmer/Ice courses - Material

Since 2008, a number of Elmer/Ice courses have been instructed. In this page, you will find the presentation and the material used during these courses. Because Elmer/Ice is evolving and some errors in the presentations have been found, it is recommended to start with the latest material.

Online course 23-27 November 2020

The course consists of two phases:

Video instructions for self learning (16-20/11/2020): we provide a number of videos for self study that constitute the first part of the course. We will provide support via interactive sessions during this period to complete the exercises. Of course, questions could also be sent trough the Slack channel.

Online course (23-27/11/2020): consisting of daily online sessions. To accommodate all time zones, there will be a session starting at 8am CET and one starting at 5pm CET. All session will be kept below 2 hours.

Before the course, one should have a working Elmer/Ice installed on her/his computer. For that you can either:

  • install Elmer and Elmer/Ice directly on your computer, following instructions here.
  • install the virtual appliance. Instructions can be found here (easiest solution).

University of Iceland - Reykjavik - 28-29 October 2019

The University of Iceland, in collaboration with CSC (Finland) and IGE (France) is organizing a 2-day beginner Elmer/Ice course from 28th to 29th October 2019. This course is hosted by the University of Iceland and sponsored by the H2020 project TiPACCs as well as Finnish Academy Project COLD.

Download the list of participants, program and useful informations here.

Title Presentation Material
Introduction pdf -
Elmer basics pdf -
Toy flow-line model pdf tar file
Tête Rousse pdf tar file
Arctic Valley Glacier pdf tar file

CSC - Helsinki - 29-31 October 2018

CSC (Finland) in cooperation with IGE (France) is organizing a 3-day advanced Elmer/Ice workshop from 29th to 31st October 2018. This course is hosted by CSC and sponsored by the Labex OSUG@2020.

All the material produced during this workshop can be found here.

The workshop program can be downloaded here.

University of Lapland - Rovaniemi - 22-23 October 2018

The University of Lapland, in collaboration with CSC (Finland) and IGE (France) is organizing a 2-day beginner Elmer/Ice course from 22nd to 23th October 2018. This course is hosted by the University of Lapland and sponsored by the Labex OSUG@2020 as well as eSTICC Nordic Centre of Excellence.

Title Presentation Material
Introduction pdf -
Toy flow-line model pdf tar file
Tête Rousse pdf tar file
SSA pdf tar file

Download the list of participants, program and useful informations here.

IGE - Grenoble - 22-24 November 2017

IGE (France) in cooperation with CSC (Finland) organized a 3-day advanced Elmer/Ice workshop from 22nd to 24th November 2017. This course was sponsored by the Labex OSUG@2020.

All the material and presentations can be found here.

The workshop program can be downloaded here.

Stockholm University - 23rd and 24th of October 2017

The Bolincentre for Climate Research of Stockholm University in cooperation with IGE (France) and CSC (Finland) is organizing a 2-day beginner Elmer/Ice course on the 23rd and 24th of October 2017. This course is sponsored by the Labex OSUG@2020 and eScience tools for investigating climate change (eSTICC).

Title Presentation Material
Introduction pdf -
Toy flow-line model pdf tar file
Tête Rousse pdf tar file
SSA pdf tar file

Download the list of participants, program and useful informations here.

UiO - Oslo - 31st October, 1st and 2nd November 2016

The Department of Geosciences of the University of Oslo in cooperation with LGGE (France) and CSC (Finland) is organizing a 3-day beginner Elmer/Ice course on the 31st of October, 1st and 2nd of November 2016. This course is sponsored by the Labex OSUG@2020 and eScience tools for investigating climate change (eSTICC).

Title Presentation Material
Introduction pdf -
Toy flow-line model pdf tar file
Tête Rousse pdf tar file
Ice flow and temperature coupling pdf tar file
Inverse modelling and SSA pdf tar file

Download the list of participants, program and useful informations here.

LGGE - Grenoble - 30th November, 1st and 2nd December 2015

LGGE (France) in cooperation with CSC (Finland) were organizing a 3-day advanced Elmer/Ice workshop on the 30th of November, 1st and 2nd of December 2015. This course was sponsored by the Labex OSUG@2020.

Title Presentation Material
Introduction pdf -
Short participant presentations zip -
Ice rheology (anisotropy, firn, damage) pdf -
Marine ice sheet/glacier dynamics pdf (1)
Calving models in Elmer pdf tar file
Inverse methods pdf -
Parallel computing (Block pre-conditioner for Stokes) pdf tar file
Hydrology and friction pdf (1)
Programming your own solver/user functions pdf (2)
Lower-order Stokes model pdf -
Contributing code to Elmer(/Ice) pdf -
Post-processing pdf -

(1) in [ELMER_SOURCE]/elmerice/Tests/ (2) in [ELMER_SOURCE]/fem/tests/1dtests/

Download the list of participants, program and useful informations here.

CIC, NBI - Copenhagen - 2nd and 3rd November 2015

CIC in cooperation with CSC (Finland) and LGGE (France) was organizing a 2-day Elmer/Ice course on the 2nd and 3rd of November 2015. This course was sponsored by the Labex OSUG@2020.

Title Presentation Material
Introduction pdf -
Synthetic glacier pdf tar file
Tête Rousse pdf tar file

Download the list of participants, program and useful informations here.

IMO - Reykjavik - 27-29 October 2014

IMO in cooperation with CSC (Finland) and LGGE (France) was organizing a 3-day Elmer/Ice course on the 27th to 29th of October 2014.

Title Presentation Material
Introduction pdf -
Synthetic glacier pdf tar file
Tête Rousse pdf tar file

Download the list of participants, program and useful informations here.

CSC - Espoo - 4-6 November 2013

A 3-day Elmer/Ice advanced workshop was organised at CSC (Espoo, Finland) from the 4th to the 6th of November 2013. The course was held by Fabien Gillet-Chaulet (LGGE), Mika Malinen (CSC), Peter Råback (CSC) and Thomas Zwinger (CSC).

Title Presentation Material
Introduction to Elmer pdf -
Elmer Glaciological Modelling pdf -
Simple Hydro Toymodel pdf tar file
Structured Meshes pdf tar file
Enhanced pre-processing pdf USB stick
Block pre-conditioner pdf USB stick
Enhanced post-processing pdf ZIP archive
Make-file for YAMS on Ubuntu 64bit - tar archive
Mesh Adaptation using YAMS (see also these notes) pdf tar archive
Inverse methods pdf tar archive

LGGE - Grenoble - 3-4 October 2013

A 2-day beginner Elmer/Ice course was organised at LGGE (Grenoble, France) the 3rd and 4th of October 2013. The course was organized by Olivier Gagliardini and Fabien Gillet-Chaulet and held by Thomas Zwinger (CSC) and Fabien Gillet-Chaulet (LGGE). This course was sponsored by the french ANR SUMER research project.

Title Presentation Material
Introduction pdf -
ISMIP tests pdf tar file
Tête Rousse pdf tar file

Download the list of participants.

University of Alberta - Edmonton - 22-23 April 2013

A 2-day beginner Elmer/Ice course was organised at the University of Alberta the 22 and 23 of April 2013. The course was organised by Martin Sharp (UoA) and held by Olivier Gagliardini (LGGE). The presentation and associated material are given below. All the material has been updated to account for the internal extrusion of a footprint mesh during the simulation.

Title Presentation Material
Introduction pdf -
ISMIP tests pdf tar file
Tête Rousse pdf tar file

Download the list of participants.

University of Washington - Seattle - 7-8 March 2013

A 2-day beginner Elmer/Ice course was organised at the University of Washington the 7 and 8 of March 2013. The course was organised by Ian Joughin (UW) and held by Olivier Gagliardini (LGGE). The presentation and associated material are given below. All the material has been updated to account for the new Elmer/Ice package.

Title Presentation Material
Introduction pdf tar file
ISMIP tests pdf tar file
Tête Rousse pdf tar file

Download the list of participants.

UBC & SFU - Vancouver - October 2012

A 3-day beginner Elmer/Ice course was organised in Vancouver during October 2012 (3 days in total). The course was held by Olivier Gagliardini (LGGE). The presentation and associated material are given below.

Title Presentation Material
Introduction pdf tar file
ISMIP tests pdf tar file
Tête Rousse pdf tar file

Download the list of participants.

Espoo - June 2011

The Nordic Centre of Excellence, SVALI (Stability and Variations of Arctic Land Ice) hold its first summer school on the topic of Glaciology and Earth System Models. The school took place at Nuuksio National Park in Espoo, Finland, close to the Helsinki metropolitan area. The school was two weeks long and started on Monday 23 May, 2011. The Elmer/Ice courses was included in these two week courses. The course was held by Thomas Zwinger (CSC), Olivier Gagliardini (LGGE) and Martina Schäfer (Arctic Centre). Material and more information regarding this course can be found here.

Grenoble - February 2008

LGGE and CSC organised an informal course on Elmer/Ice at LGGE (France) during February 14 and 15, 2008. The course was held by Olivier Gagliardini from LGGE and Thomas Zwinger from CSC. Material and more information regarding this course can be found here. TODO SHOULD WE MOVE ALL THE MATERIAL FROM THE OLD WIKI?

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