User Function USF_Zs

General Informations

  • USF Fortran File: USF_Zs.f90
  • USF Name: ZsIni, ZsMZsIni, ZsTopIni, ZsTopMZsIni,…
  • Required Input Variable(s): Zs or Zs Top or Zs Bottom

General Description

The aim of these user functions is to get the appropriate value of the mesh update from the surface displacement.

The first type of user function (~Ini) is used to initialize the free surface elevation (surface elevation equals to the altitude of the nodes belonging on this surface). The second type (~MZsIni) calculate the mesh update variable as the new surface elevation minus the initial elevation.

As presented here, these user functions can be easily replaced by MATC functions (recalling that a MATC function consumes more cpu than a user function).

SIF contents

The required keywords in the SIF file for this solver are:

Initial Condition 2
  Zs Top = Variable Coordinate 3
    Real Procedure "ElmerIceUSF" "ZsTopIni"

Initial Condition 3
  Zs Bottom = Variable Coordinate 3
    Real Procedure "ElmerIceUSF" "ZsBottomIni"

! Bottom boundary condition
Boundary Condition 1
  Target Boundaries = 1
!!! this BC is equal to body no. 3 !!!
  Body Id = 3
  Mesh Update 1 = Real 0.0
  Mesh Update 2 = Real 0.0
  Mesh Update 3 = Variable Zs Bottom
    Real Procedure "ElmerIceUSF" "ZsBottomMzsIni"

! Upper Surface
Boundary Condition 2
  Target Boundaries = 2
!!! this BC is equal to body no. 2 !!!
  Body Id = 2

  Mesh Update 1 = Real 0.0
  Mesh Update 2 = Real 0.0
  Mesh Update 3 = Variable Zs Top
    Real Procedure "ElmerIceUSF" "ZsTopMzsIni"


Examples of the usage of these user functions can be found in the Elmer/Ice course material (ISMIP application for one upper free surface and Tête Rousse application for an upper and lower free surfaces).

userfunctions/zs.txt · Last modified: 2013/11/26 10:01 by gag
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