IntegratedVelocity Solver

General Informations

  • Solver Fortran File: IntegratedVelocity.f90
  • Solver Name: IntegratedVelocity
  • Required Output Variable(s): Integrated Velocity (DIM-1)
  • Required Input Variable(s): A Flow Solution (given in Flow Solution Name), Depth or Height
  • Optional Output Variable(s): None
  • Optional Input Variable(s): None

General Description

This solver compute the mean vertically integrated horizontal velocities, either on the bedrock surface or on the upper surface. If the keyword Compute Flux is set to True, the horizontal fluxes are computed else the mean horizontal velocities are computed (default).

SIF contents

Solver 3
  Equation = "Integrated Velocity"
  Procedure = File "ElmerIceSolvers" "IntegratedVelocity"
  Variable = -nooutput "varVelo"
  Variable DOFs = 1

  Exported Variable 1 = String "Integrated Velocity"
  Exported Variable 1 DOFs = 2  ! 1 in 2D, 2 in 3D

  Flow Solver Name = String SSAFlow
  Compute Flux = Logical False
  On Surface = Logical True

  Linear System Solver = Direct
  Linear System Direct Method = umfpack

!Bedrock BC
Boundary Condition 1
  Target Boundaries = 1

  Integrated Velocity 1 = Equals SSAFlow 1
  Integrated Velocity 2 = Equals SSAFlow 2
  Height = Real 0.0


An example using the IntegratedVelocity Solver can be found in [ELMER_TRUNK]/elmerice/Tests/IntegratedVelocity.

solvers/integratedvelo.txt · Last modified: 2014/01/31 08:39 by ltavard
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