~~NOTOC~~ ===== User Function USF_LateralFriction ===== ==== General Informations ==== * **USF Fortran File:** ''USF_LateralFriction.f90'' * **USF Name:** ''LateralFriction_x'' and ''LateralFriction_y'' * **Required Input Variable(s):** A ''Flow solution'' in ''FlowSolverName'' ==== General Description ==== This user function return the modified gravity force -**g** + K * |u|^(m-1) **u** \\ where K is the a ''lateral friction coefficient'' and m the ''lateral friction exponent'', as in Gagliardini et al. (2010). When m=0, this is equivalent to the [[:userfunctions:shapefactor|shape factor]] (no dependency to the velocity). How to evaluate the ''lateral friction coefficient'' K as a function of the glacier width W is given in the supplementary material of Gagliardini et al. (2010). Noting that K as defined here is equal to K/rho_i in the paper, it comes K = (n+1)^(1/n) / [rho_i W^(1+1/n) (2A)^(1/n)] and m=1/n (A and n are Glen's law parameter and exponent, respectively). This solver works only in 2D (no sense in 3D). It works for non-structured mesh. ==== SIF contents ==== The required keywords in the SIF file for these user functions are: $yearinsec = 365.25*24*60*60 $rhoi = 900.0/(1.0e6*yearinsec^2) $gravity = 9.81*yearinsec^2 $Afactor = 80.0 $n = 3.0 $etai = 1.0/(2*Afactor)^(1.0/n) $W = 10.0e3 $Kspring = etai* (n+1)^(1/n) / (rhoi * W^(1+(1/n))) Body Force 1 Flow BodyForce 1 = Variable Coordinate 1 Real Procedure "ElmerIceUSF" "LateralFriction_x" Flow BodyForce 2 = Variable Coordinate 1 Real Procedure "ElmerIceUSF" "LateralFriction_y" Lateral Friction Gravity 1 = Real 0.0 Lateral Friction Gravity 2 = Real $-gravity Lateral Friction Coefficient = Real $Kspring Lateral Friction Exponent = Real $1.0/n Flow Solver Name = String Flow Solution End ==== Examples ==== An example using the user function //USF_LateralFriction// can be found in ''[ELMER_TRUNK]/elmerice/Tests/LateralFriction''. ==== Reference ==== When used this solver can be cited using the following references:\\ Gagliardini O., G. Durand, T. Zwinger, R. Hindmarsh and E. Le Meur, 2010. Coupling of ice-shelf melting and buttressing is a key process in ice-sheets dynamics, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L14501, doi:10.1029/2010GL043334.