====== Tool MshGlacier ====== * **Source Fortran File:** ''MshGlacier.f90'' This tool deforms vertically and horizontally a 1m x 1m square mesh to conform with the bedrock and surface elevations given as data points. One has first to create a square 1m x 1m Elmer mesh (''name_mesh''), and to give the bedrock and surface elevations in two ascii files. Then, the mesh can be constructed using the x-coordinate of the bedrock and surface data points (must then contains the same number of points with the same x-coordinates and so the mesh) or the node coordinates can be interpolated. Linear or cubic spline interpolation can be used. A ''mesh_input.dat'' file must contains the following information\\ ! Name of the mesh directory (should exist) mismip The mesh x-coordinates correspond to the data? (Yes=1, No=0) 0 Linear / Cubic Spline (0 / 1) 1 ! Surface name file mismip_surf.dat ! Number of Points in the surface file 303 ! Bedrock name file mismip_bed.dat ! Number of Point in the bed file 303 ! Minimum ice thickness 1.0 ! Mesh start at x0 0.0 ! Mesh end at xEnd 1800000.0 An example using //MshGlacier// to construct a 2D mesh mesh can be found ''[ELMER_TRUNK]/elmerice/examples/Test_MshGlacier''.